The Adirondack adventure continues! I slept in today. We did not get back from the sauna last night until 11pm. The dehydration factor definitely came into play for me. I needed the extra rest for our hike to Bear Mountain!
Before we headed out to the trail we had breakfast and a hour presentation on energy and climate change. I really enjoyed the energy class. Karl brought to light, like he did in his spring class, that everything we do is connected to fossil fuels. This needs to change. Beth tag teamed with discussing the effects of global warming. She drove home the point that there is no longer a debate about whether or not global warming is happening, but how are we as a species going to deal with the issue at hand.
The best part is when she displayed the slide titled, "What my family is doing?" This gave me a lot to ponder on. I am in the process of buying a house. I have not really thought to much about where I could put solar panels, could I convert the water heating system to use solar energy, or is there a place to store canned food? I have always been looking for a plot with enough room to make a good sized garden. I need to add more of what I just mentioned to the things that I look for in a house.
Change can start with a single person. Tonight we have the opportunity to meet the author John Slade. In my mind, he is a person that is making change one individual at a time. Another person I can think of that is making change one person at a time is Greg Mortenson. He is an individual that is building school in Afghanistan and Pakistan for children. You can read about his story in the book, "Three Cups of Tea." I am currently reading this book and I would highly recommend it. I want to be a person that makes a difference in this world. I want to teach my son that this is possible. I want to hang out with friends that think this is possible. I have a great opportunity to look for and buy a home where I can start making a change that will impact the environment in a positive way one family at a time.
For the main part of the day we spent hiking on Bear Mountain. I really enjoy hiking so what can I say. It was great. I got to talk with a new person in the Professional Development Group. Made another Trumansburg connection with a teacher from the aforementioned group. And I got to become closer with the cohort that I am directly ties too. I believe all this happened because I was engaged in a fantastic learning environment that allowed people to be exactly who they are and open themselves up to others. Nature. What a wonderful place to learn and grow. Today, reinforced for me that I need to complete my project of an information/invitation video to communicate to my family's in this upcoming year how we can become a strong community to benefits all of those involved.
Till tomorrow...
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